Gates Serpentine Belt Sizes
Micro-V AT® Belts Listed by NumberListed by Number. Showing Belt Numbers with Corresponding. Nominal Outside Lengths, Top Widths and Angles. Belt. Length. Length Top Width Top Width.564853d1440696792-belts-gates-belt-chart-number.pdfMicro-V® Belts. Listed by Number. Showing Our Belt Numbers with Corresponding. Nominal Outside Lengths, Top Widths and Angles. Our. Length. Top Width.
BELT DIMENSION CHARTGOT BELT ISSUES? GET GATES RPM. Part Number. Product Description. Number of Ribs. Effective. Length (in).Automotive Micro-V Belts - GatesAUTOMOTIVE MICRO-V BELTS ; Outside Circumference (in). 20 -- 21.7 (4); 21.7 -- 23.4 (4) ; Outside Circumference (mm). 508 -- 561.2 (4); 561.2 -- 614.4 (8) GATES Belt size, length, width for GATES belts by part number.GATES BELTS SIZES - Length and Width ; 36, 1210, 21 ; 37, 1220, 22 ; 38, 1230, 23 ; 39, 1240, 24 ; 40, 1245, 24.5

- Serpentine Belt Drive Component Kit For 94-96 Dodge Ram 3500 2500 8.0L SZ11W8
- 150 mm
- Snap Ring Groove wit

- Serpentine Belt-Fleetrunner Heavy Duty Micro-V Belt Gates K080539HD
- 1,470,000 N
- 2.5 mm

- Serpentine Belt-Fleetrunner Heavy Duty Micro-V Belt Gates K080553HD
- 106 mm
- 328.680 kN

- Serpentine Belt-Fleetrunner Heavy Duty Micro-V Belt Gates K080539HD
- 380 mm
- 1,700 rpm

- Gates XL Fan Alternator Accessory Drive Belt for 1964 GMC G1000 Series 2.5L sz
- 580,000 N
- Single Row

- Gates XL Power Steering Accessory Drive Belt for 1965-1967 Plymouth sz
- 24 000 min-1
- 15 mm